Merit Selection of Judges in Alaska: The Judicial Council, The Independence of the Judiciary, and the Popular Will

by Walter L. Carpeneti & Brett Frazer

Click here for a PDF file of this article


The judicial selection and retention provisions of the Alaska Constitution, found in Article IV, achieve a delicate and remarkably successful balance between competing interests. The purposes of this article are to describe this constitutional plan (called “merit selection” because it begins with nomination based on merit alone), explain why the founders adopted it, examine historical challenges to it, and assess its performance on the 60th anniversary of Alaska statehood.

Merit Selection of Judges in Alaska: The Judicial Council, The Independence of the Judiciary, and the Popular Will

by Walter L. Carpeneti & Brett Frazer

Click here for a PDF file of this article


The judicial selection and retention provisions of the Alaska Constitution, found in Article IV, achieve a delicate and remarkably successful balance between competing interests. The purposes of this article are to describe this constitutional plan (called “merit selection” because it begins with nomination based on merit alone), explain why the founders adopted it, examine historical challenges to it, and assess its performance on the 60th anniversary of Alaska statehood.