
ALR publishes in June and December every year. Manuscripts of fifty pages or less can be submitted for consideration by August 1 for publication in the December issue and by December 1 for publication in the following year’s June issue. A screening committee reviews submissions on a rolling basis to determine which articles will be published. Authors will be notified as soon as possible of the decision regarding publication of any manuscript submitted. Since our publication schedule is set by contract, we generally will defer consideration of late submissions to a subsequent issue.


ALR publishes in June and December every year. Manuscripts of fifty pages or less can be submitted for consideration by August 1 for publication in the December issue and by December 1 for publication in the following year’s June issue. A screening committee reviews submissions on a rolling basis to determine which articles will be published. Authors will be notified as soon as possible of the decision regarding publication of any manuscript submitted. Since our publication schedule is set by contract, we generally will defer consideration of late submissions to a subsequent issue.